Welcome to ThePandaClub



This is my first post, Who Am I ? my name is Scarlet but most people call me Panda for long time, i like that nickname a lot. I am living in Santiago, Chile. together my parents and my younger brother, we have always lived here, even before we traveled to the south a lot to see my grandparents, but we don´t travel anymore because of the pandemic. that makes me really sad, because I like nature a lot. I am ka kind of small girl, I´m only 1,53m tall. My friends bother me for that but that doesn't bother me. My favorite song is "Still loving you of Scorpions" and I really like the Cheetos pls buy me some cheetos I am sad :(. 


  1. Is a very original nickname! I love it

  2. Hi! i like your nickname, why did they give you that nickname?

    1. Hi!, because she was very fat of young child :(, but i like nickname.

  3. I like cheetos too!, in my family I have to hide them, they steal them from me

  4. This is sad, hopefully you can eat cheetos soon.


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