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Post 6: How can your mayor make the world a better place?

Something I just realize in most people, is the fact that they think drugs can be taken whenever they want. As a pharmaceutical chemistry, I should rely on the use of medications, but this is not a thing on me, because sometimes is not necessary the use of drugs. Moreover, they have a bunch of secondary effects, and that effects in the long run will be damaging the organism and then, it will be inevitable the use of them. Furthermore, some of them are very expensive, and for that reason I would like to raising awareness about this in the people. I know that for everything exists a solution, and before taking some kind of drug, people have to take care of themselves and acknowledge the damage that drugs could do on his body and organism for them. they don't have to trust blind in drugs, and its not necessary spend money on many of them. it would be much better taking a better eating habit, and having a correct use of herbs, fruits and vegetables to avoid use most of the drugs on the market.
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