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Post 7: An expert / person in your field that you admire

  honestly, I don't feel that admire someone or something. I've never thought about this topic until this very moment, but I think, talking seriously, I admire my mother so much. She was born in the south of the country, more more specifically, in the town of Collipulli. She arrived in Santiago when she was 17 years old to live with her sister, in a dangerous neighbourhood. Despite of the many difficulties that she had in her life, she knew how to overcome life's adversities. For example, she worked and studied at the same time, something quite hard for those times. Because of this, she grew up with great strength, like a pillar. I always ask him to tell me his stories from his past. So I can learn a lot more about her and overcome my own dilemmas. She is always willing to advise me, and is very good at seeing the positive side of bad things. Despite her dark sense of humour, she always makes me laugh. Undoubtedly, she has made me grow as a person.

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